Studying and Reading Penguin Vector

Welcome to Year 9!

The best (yes of course) year group in MVA

Minimalist UI Search Element

Head to the main board!



Minimalist UI Folder Element

About GCSE

Friends Showing Christmas Gifts Online



Welcome to Year 9!

Welcome to MVA year 9! We are a bunch of fun and chaotic people and this is a simple dashboard that hopefully lead you to everything you need throughout the whole year!

Made by Sophie P.

Minimalist UI Text  Element


Minimalist UI Play Element

This dashboard will be updated weekly (hopefully) so check back often for the updates :) For now, feel free to give us some feedback or report a bug!


Our head of year:

Cheryl Ashes

Thin Marker Oval Line

Cheryl is our head of year and also our chemistry and biology teacher! She would be the one hosting our Year 9 assemblies, both morning and afternoon social rooms, and she is the teacher of both Apollo and Juno chemistry and also the teacher of Juno biology.

If you have any questions, you can email her or write to her on the Canvas page!


Chemistry Lab Test Tubes
Minimalist UI Rounded Rectangle Element

Meet the rest of the teachers and staff!

Minimalist UI Rounded Rectangle Element
Smiley Face Illustration Sticker

Summer term

After two weeks of break, we're back with the last term of the year! Welcome to all the new students (all 10 new members) and hopefully we can have a wonderful term~

Straight Banner
Summer Season

We will be having two bank holidays soon, May 1st (May Day Bank Holiday) and May 8th (King's Coronation Bank Day). So have fun on the two mondays or work on some revision!

And for anyone who's wondering, end of year exam week will be June 12th ~16th. Good luck~

New important dates!

Clean and Bold Calendar

Multiple events~

Throughout 4/16~4/22 is the International Dark Sky Week and we are calling on contributers to help us on some events and presentations!

Contact Jack if you are interested!

Geometric Shaky Telescope

Week A schedule






8:30 AM

Morning Social Room

Year 9 Assembly

High performance club

(8:00 am ~ 9:00 am)

9:00 AM

Assembly for all pupils

Dualset Chemistry with Cheryl

Juno Math with Clare

Dualset Biology with Lana

World Changers for Year 9 ~ Year 11

10:00 AM

Juno History with Alex

Juno English with Karenjit

Spanish with Maria

Juno Physics with Chris

11:00 AM

Apollo History with Alex

French with Andrea

12:00 PM

Student Question Session with Sydney

(12:00 pm ~ 12:30 pm)

1:00 PM

Apollo English with Karenjit

Wellbeing with Suzanne (1:00 pm ~ 1:30 pm)

Apollo Physics with Chris

2:00 PM

Math Apollo with Clare

Computer Science with Laura

Dualset Geography with Alexia

3:00 PM

Art and Photography club

Apollo Student Voice Group with Suzanne

(3:15 pm ~ 4:15 pm)

Vulcan Student Voice Group with Suzanne

(3:15 pm ~ 4:15 pm)

Afternoon Social Room

(3:00 pm ~ 3:30 pm)

Film production, Young entrepreneurs, and debate club

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Week B schedule






8:30 AM

Morning Social Room

Year 9 Assembly

9:00 AM

Assembly for all pupils

Apollo Chemistry with Cheryl

Apollo Biology with Lana

World Changers for Year 9 ~ Year 11

10:00 AM

Spanish with Maria

French with Andrea

11:00 AM

Dualset History with Alex

Juno Biology with Cheryl

12:00 PM

Student Question Session with Sydney

(12:00 pm ~ 12:30 pm)

1:00 PM

Dualset English with Karenjit

Wellbeing with Suzanne (1:00 pm ~ 1:30 pm)

Dualset Physics with Chris

2:00 PM

Juno Chemistry with Cheryl

Dualset Math with Clare

Computer Science with Laura

Apollo Geography with Alexia

Juno Geography with Sam

3:00 PM

Art and Photography club

Apollo Student Voice Group with Suzanne

(3:15 pm ~ 4:15 pm)

Vulcan Student Voice Group with Suzanne

(3:15 pm ~ 4:15 pm)

Afternoon Social Room

(3:00 pm ~ 3:30 pm)

Film production, Young entrepreneurs, and debate club

Note: This is for all the classes in existent, for the link to these lessons, go to your Google Calendar! Contact your mentor or teacher if you still can't find it!



Buildable Hand-drawn Organic Science Lab Computer



Semi Realistic English Books


Science and Research Element DNA


Science Element Microscope


Macaroon Bastille Day


Simple Bright Hand Drawn Math Tools


Handdrawn Geography Book


Simple and Bold Spanish Flowers Pattern


Science Element Satellite


Note: These are the homepages of each course for all the year 9 subjects, some pages might not be accessible for some students because they don't take the course. If you can't access a cource but you take it, contact your mentor or teacher, or report it as a bug here.


Courses | GCSE

Year 9 will be going into year 10 in September, which means the stage of GCSE is here! Choosing GCSE subjects might be hard because there are tons to choose from! Remember, when you choose your subjects, think about who you want to be in the future, or at least, what you don't want to be, so you can cross out some subjects. Here are some new subjects that will be added for choosing:

Travel Element Map

Global citizenship

Hd Books Png Image Free Download - Book Png Hd,Books Png

Religous studies

Isolated Workflow Icon Flat Design

Business studies

stock gradient icon


Semi Realistic English Literature Books



Brain Grows Out of the Head. Mind, Idea, Education


Flat Art Supplies


New Year Element Music


Flag of Germany Illustration


Semi Realistic Geometric Shapes

Maths foundation and higher

If you are thinking on how many subjects you want to take, the general recommended amount is 9~10 subjects, but this doesn't always have to apply to all pupils, so you'll have to think about it a little and maybe discuss with your mentor, parents, or teachers! Here are the subjects' introductions.


Additional Resources

Laptop Icon
Loose Scribbly Patterned School Teen Students Half Body Studying in Uniform
Laptop Icon
 Textured Handdrawn Modern Boy Doing His Homework
Laptop Icon
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Flashcards maker

Try Quizlet if you find it hard to write every single keyword down, check here for Sophie's keywords for some of the glossaries in subjects!

Group studyroom

Feel a little lonely studying by yourself? Try this online studyroom! Feel free to hop in to our Year 9 room and study!

Will be added soon!

New resources will be added here in the future so check back some time later. Here's this penguin for now! Her name is Wendy!

doodle divider
doodle divider
doodle divider
Studying and Reading Penguin Vector

Books of the week

Don't know what to read? Here are some recommendations! A Night Divided and The Kingdom of Back

Podcasts of the week

Check out this week's MVP (Minerva Virtual Podcast) episode! Kate and Jack are here to talk about revision, get ready!

Will be added soon!

We'll be adding more weekly sources in the future! Let us know what to add here~ Here's Wendy for now :)

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You've reached the end!

Visit the official school site!

Last updated: March 29th, 2023